Asterisk Password Decryptor All the ideas and discussions
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Make This SYSTEM wide or at least add Firefox which has almost twice the users than IE

as far as browsers go I use password protected password managers. The problem with a browser only asteric Revieler is for one firefox has multiple free plugins that do the same. I can simply install an extension that allows me to just hover over the astericks ans it reviels them (i use this to make sure i enter the same password twice correctly. Mostly thats all i use it for as I can see all my passwords in my password vault. Although if you want to may a non free program I would make it system wide. I know this could be a security issue (maybe password protect the program idk but dont make it portable as then it would essentually become a spy tool esp on company machines. In fact i dont see this ever being ok on a Coporate networked machine. But making it system wide (for windows It is possible ie snadboys revilation (IDK if it is still relivent with windoes vista or 7 but i used it with windows xp and it worked very much like your program but system wide.) Although it would possibly give you insite on how to do so if it is unknow to you (I doubt that is the case but hey.)

In all i think you have a good thing as a program but it is too limited ESP the fact it only works with IE and IMO most computer users that would be knolegeable to use such a program would probably not be using IE. In Fact according to [http://www.w3schools.com/browsers/browsers_stats.asp] 42.2 %people use Firefox vs 23.2 % who use Internet Explorer, making this work with firefox would let your application be used by many more people (just check the statistics)

Thank you for considering

beatnik, 05.08.2011, 17:38
Idea status: under consideration


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